
Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. - Pericles (430 B.C.)      

MSHO continuously contacts legislators, provides comments to policy makers, and collaborates with payers on issues of concern to those delivering care to cancer patients.  The Society's affiliation with national advocacy groups allows us to bring our local issues to a wider forum and benefit from the resources of these organizations.

This site is designed to provide alerts to relevant legislation and policy, provide advocacy strategies, and give members access to information about pending and enacted legislation.  In these times, it is crucial that providers take on the responsibility to personally advocate for their patients and their practices.  No one knows the issues better than you do.

It is in the best interest of providers to be aware of all policy that impacts cancer care.  Communicating with your elected representatives in the Michigan Congressional delegation in Washington as well as legislators in Lansing on a personal or practice level will keep cancer policy at the forefront.  Policy makers find specific scenarios involving their constituents interesting and relevant.  Getting access to and the attention of busy lawmakers is the first step in getting consideration for your issues and concerns.

News and Alerts


Advocacy Coffee Hours

September, 2024

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Michigan Bill Tracking

Updated July 10, 2024

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