Complete Story


Oscar Signori, M.D., FACP

Oscar Signori M.D.

Dr. Signori has been on the MSHO Board since 2008. Born and raised in Argentina, Dr. Signori received his BS and MD degrees from the University of Cordoba, Argentina. He came to the USA in 1976 and completed his residency and training in Internal Medicine at the Oakwood Hospital, now known as Beaumont Dearborn. At the time, his brother Enrique had an active hematology oncology practice in Dearborn, Michigan. His brother's mentoring and encouragement were an inspirational force to pursue a career in Oncology Hematology. Training in Medical Oncology and Hematology then took place at the MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute in Houston Texas.

After fellowship, Dr. Signori joined his brother Enrique's practice in Dearborn where he has remained throughout his career. Dr. Signori has experienced the joys and tribulations of private practice, hospital-associated practice, and back to private practice again. He considers his decision to join the hematology oncology field as perfectly timed. He, like many others, saw the rapid growth of the specialty in prevention, clinical, and investigational arenas, expanding the tools to apply in the care of patients, from a handful of agents at the beginning of his career to the plethora of treatments available today. 

Dr. Signori is particularly honored and proud of his association with MSHO. He considers that the Society benefitted his practice in particular and the practice of hematology and oncology in the State of Michigan in general. MSHO has been there to help his practice with billing issues, as well as training administrators, managers, pharmacists, and nurses. The society has been there to serve Michigan as a plasma where private practice and academia can coalesce and to advocate in front of government, insurance, and drug manufacturers on behalf of patients. All in all, he considers that MSHO has fulfilled its mission growing from a group of oncologists that used to converge at the Michigan Cancer Foundation Auditorium to discuss billing issues, to what it is today, the premier Hematology Oncology State Specialty Society in the nation.

Dr. Signori likes to thank all those members, past and present, who have given their time, expertise, and dedication to the advancement of the Society and encourages the new generations of Hematologist and Oncologists to stay in or move to Michigan, join, and participate in furthering the goals of the Society.

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